Why lease a Dryvebox for your course?

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Increase Revenue

Utilize Dryvebox to take events at your course to the next level. Dryvebox is the perfect add-on experience for weddings, member/guest parties, tournament play, golf clinics, and more!

Looking for the perfect 19th hole activation to sell to sponsors for events and tournaments? Look no further.

Dryvebox can be used to drive additional revenue from coaching, club fitting, and complement your existing retail space.
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Decrease Cost

Already thinking of putting an indoor simulator in the clubhouse or want additional simulator bays but don't have enough space? With Dryvebox, no permitting or construction is required. Our turnkey solution is ready to play in from the moment it pulls up to the course.

Get a learning center without the heavy capital investment or time pulling permits. Dryvebox is a ready-to-go learning center that will wow anyone who steps in and swings.
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All Season Play

With Dryvebox, your driving range, learning center, club fitting station, or fun member perk can stay open all seasons.

Each unit is weatherproof and solar-powered (or 110v plug-in), making it the perfect solution to playing golf in any season.
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Increase Brand Awareness & Visibility

Add your club logo to the side of your Dryvebox and advertise your club wherever it rolls.

Use the box for new member recruitment and increase foot traffic and visibility.
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Overcome Limitations

No driving range? No problem.

Extend your operating hours by having golf options available day and night.

Don't stop play even in the offseason or during course renovations.

Convert dead space like parking lots into valuable space with Dryvebox.
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Added Value for Existing Members

Give your members an additional private, comfortable, high-tech and easily accessible place to practice.

Utilize Dryvebox for member/guest or member/member competitions and league nights.

Have your very own private coaching studio for all season practice.
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Dryvebox Leasing
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